Discover the Art Behind 87 Forge AirPods Max Attachments

Discover the Art Behind 87 Forge AirPods Max Attachments

At 87 Forge, we believe that your AirPods Max should be as unique and stylish as you are. Our distinctive decorative attachments are designed to transform your headphones into a statement piece, blending art with technology in a way that reflects your personal style. However, we understand that some of you may have concerns about the materials we use, and we want to share the story behind our design choices and the sophisticated process that goes into making each attachment.

The Material Choice: Why Plastic?

One of the most common questions we receive is why we chose plastic for our attachments. The answer lies in our commitment to both functionality and aesthetics.

  1. Lightweight Comfort: AirPods Max are known for their high-quality sound and comfort. To maintain this comfort, we needed a material that wouldn’t add unnecessary weight. Plastic, with its lightweight nature, ensures that our attachments don't compromise the comfort of your headphones.
  2. Scratch Protection: We understand that your AirPods Max are a valuable investment. Plastic provides a softer surface that is less likely to scratch or damage the original finish of your headphones, keeping them looking pristine.

    The Production Process: A Labor of Love

    Creating our decorative attachments is far from a simple task. Each piece is the result of a meticulous and sophisticated production process that involves several steps:

    1. Vacuum Casting: Our journey begins with vacuum casting, a precise method that allows us to create detailed and consistent parts. This process ensures that each attachment meets our high standards of quality and design.
    2. Polishing: Once the parts are cast, they undergo a rigorous polishing process. This step is crucial for achieving the smooth and elegant finish that defines our accessories.
    3. Special Coating: Before the final plating, each piece receives a special coating. This layer enhances durability and prepares the surface for the metal coating, ensuring a flawless final product.
    4. Vacuum Plating: The final step is vacuum plating, a highly specialized technique that gives our attachments their stunning metallic finish. This process involves applying a thin layer of metal in a vacuum chamber, creating a durable and attractive coating that mimics the look and feel of solid metal.

      The Value of Craftsmanship

      Each attachment is not just a product but a piece of art. The labor-intensive process requires skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail at every stage. This level of dedication and precision is why our products carry a premium price. We want our customers to understand that the cost of our attachments reflects the high-quality materials and complex manufacturing process, not just the end product.

      Embracing Transparency

      We believe in being transparent with our customers. We are committed to sharing the journey behind our products and the decisions we make to ensure you receive the best possible accessory for your AirPods Max. We hope this insight into our design and production process helps you appreciate the value and effort that goes into each piece we create.

      Thank you for choosing 87 Forge. Your support allows us to continue innovating and creating unique, high-quality accessories that enhance your listening experience.

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